PIT HAGI 34th 2009

Di posting ini banyak memakai bahasa asing bukan berarti saya gak cinta Indonesia seperti yang digembor-gemborkan banyak sedulur di ranah maya ini bahwa memakai bahasa asing tidak mencerminkan cinta Indonesia (mungkin karena lagi populer ya tulisan tentang nasionalisme). Bagi saya parameter cinta Indonesia tak hanya dilihat dari bahasa tapi masih banyak parameter-parameter lain. Maaf kalau ada yang tersinggung, sengaja saya sedikit menyinggung sampeyan.

Saya cuma mau posting sedikit tulisan saya, sisanya kopas dari web resmi-nya PIT 34th HAGI.

The 34th Annual Meeting is hosted by the HAGI (Indonesian Association of Geophysicists). This convention provides opportunities among earth scientists to share ideas, opinion and experiences in geophysical sciences as well as their new concept and current technology development. The committee invites all of the earth scientists to present any technical and scientific papers in various topics in the field of geology and geophysics from various institutions inside and outside of Indonesia. The industries and research institutions can also use this forum to promote their activities and findings to a wider audience and related parties. The Opening Ceremony will be opened by Sultan HB X on Tuesday, November 10th 2009 in Sheraton Hotel Jogjakarta at 9.00 am. Mrs. Karen Agustiawan, President Director of PT. Pertamina (Persero) has conducted as keynote speaker.

Panel Discussion will be held after the opening ceremony. The panel will be discussed the issued related to the theme “Empowering Geophysics Education Toward Global Changes Era” . The discussion will be lead by Mr. Adriansyah, Ph.D and the panelist are:

  1. Dr. Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito (UGM)
  2. Prof. Manfred Hochstein (University of Auckland)
  3. Syamsu Alam Ph.D (PT. Pertamina EP)

Begitu introduction yang saya baca dalam poster. Selanjutnya saya baca lebih lengkap begini redaksinya:

Registration fees (in rupiahs) are similar for presenter or ordinary participants. These fees are including field trip (free of charge):






1.200.000 *)


1.500.000 *)



500.000 *)


600.000 *)

Student (S1/S2)


250.000 *)


300.000 *)

*) After 10th October 2009

Waduh kok mahal banget ya buat jadi peserta PIT 34th HAGI? Akhirnya saya buka halaman berikutnya tentang Student Volunteer. Begini tulisannya:

Committe of The 34th HAGI Annual Meeting inform an OPEN RECRUITMENT for Geoscience Student to be student volunteers at this conference. Following are lists of procedures:

  • You should be S1 Geoscience students from Indonesian Universities/Institutes
  • Write your short CV and Reason for joining this Volunteer (preferred in English) on 1 page A4 papersize with 1.5 spacing.

We waiting your application until 26 October 2009, please send as soon as possible!

Yes!! Lumayan ada OPEN RECRUITMENT buat jadi volunteer. Saya baca keterangan ini tanggal 26 Oktober pagi hari. Karena pengen ikut akhirnya saya ambil aja CV yang sudah ada di laptop saya. Sudah saya print CV empat lembar. Eh saya baca lagi keterangan tentang Student Volunteer, gubrak…. Ternyata perintahnya CV dalam satu lembar (on 1 page A4 papersize with 1.5 spacing). Jadilah saya kompaksi CV itu, saya ambil riwayat satu tahun terakhir (tahun 2009 aja) plus beberapa yang dihilangkan. ASAP langsung dah saya kirim itu CV plus alasan fiktif ke Mbak Sintia (gak mau dipanggil Ibu Sintia katanya). Tinggal nunggu kelanjutannya, semoga bisa berpartisisapi di PIT 34th HAGI.

BTW, kenapa saya pengen ikut? Gak biasanya sih saya aware sama yang beginian. Ini dia alasan yang saya buat-buat:

I prefer to joining PIT HAGI volunteer for more experience, more brotherhood, more relations, and also more information about HAGI strategic policy in global changes.

Wah HOAX beneran kalau yang ini. Intinya saya pengen tambahan pengalaman, tambah teman, juga untuk melengkapi kata-kata volunteer di CV saya selain volunteer yang dari UNICEF itu, gara-gara mas Iwan di UNICEF Fundation nih saya kenal istilah volunteer.

Kok baru posting sekarang? I just publishing and share about this event to another friend that aware in geoscience development. (nggaya tenan nggo basa Inggris).

Author: Muh.Ahsan

Geoscience application specialist, technical evangelist, music lover, movie buff, and active blogger.

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